Sunday, December 11, 2005

aloneness vs. loneliness.

- i struggle with loneliness. I'm an artist, which makes me one half heart, a quarter brain and a quarter melancholy ;)
God made us with a heart that longs for Him. I am coming to see that loneliness is the living proof for that. Loneliness is "deep crying out to deep" - it is our souls longing for intimacy with God - and the fullfillment of that is aloneness - the ability to be alone with God. Jesus was fully man. He experienced loneliness - but He chose to be in union with the Father, He was in constant union with the Father - but He still chose it.
- So if you're lonely, especially as Christmas draws near, it is because your soul is restless for God - so take a deep breath, and breathe in His presence. Let it permeate every part of You - let it into the loneliness - it was made for Him. You and i were made for Him. Then be alone with Him - as we buy more "stuff", let's let the Spirit strip away what needs to - don't run from it - don't hide from it - don't be fooled with the notion that friends or things or more myspace friends can fill it - it's been reserved for Jesus the day you were made.
- and then, our deepest inadequecies will become our greatest strengths :) and that is more evidence of God's existence - in our lives.


DASJEWD said...

You are good...I thought it was just comedians who are weird loner people. It's all about the Advent prayer: Come Lord Jesus!

Mindy said...

thanks for your inspiring words...absolutely beautiful. I really appreciate what you gives me hope that amidst all what goes along in life, especially during times like these, there's a Savior who is always there with me every step of the way.

Thanks again and may God and our Blessed Mother be with you!

Amy said...

One half heart, a quarter brain and a quarter melancholy... precisely what God intended for you because it is from this place that your greatest music is born and God's glory revealed. It is out of the loneliness that the Lord draws the most beauty and grace for you and those around you. He uses the loneliness to call you closer to Himself into the depths of His love and mercy, to be one with Him. I believe that loneliness and also the yearning for happiness that is within every human being is the Father's "eternal homing" device... always calling us on the path that leads to Him. Truly, nothing and no one can satisfy our deepest longing... only God. God alone.

REC said...

Thank you all for sharing. I just discovered something about myself and how to change my Christmas. I was not going to be with anyone, but this year I think I will visit either a soup kitchen or "retirement" home and share my stories and listen while they share their's. Thank You all again for such wonder posts this day.